[Catalyst] Problem with dependencies in Makefile.PL

Svilen Ivanov svilen.ivanov at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 07:21:40 GMT 2007

2007/2/6, Jonathan Rockway <jon at jrock.us>:
> Sounds like your CPAN config might be broken.  What's prerequisites_policy
> set to in your CPAN config?  (You can check by running the cpan shell and
> typing "o conf prerequisites_policy".)  If it's not "yes", try setting it to
> yes and re-running make.

It is set to 'ask':
cpan> o conf prerequisites_policy
    prerequisites_policy ask

Now I changed it to 'yes', still no luck (I tried another module -
Test::Parser which needs few XML:: libs since I already installed
C::P::Session from CPAN shell)

> If that doesn't work, it would be helpful if you provide the output of "o
> conf" and the log from typing "install Catalyst::Plugin::Session" in the CPAN
> shell.

I needed to continue my work I  installed Catalyst::Plugin::Session
from CPAN shell - w/o any problems; it properly asked me to install
the dependent modules as well.

When I changed the policy to 'yes', CPAN shell no longer asks me to
install deps - they are automaticly skipped:
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during
[B/BR/BRYCE/Test-Parser-1.5.tar.gz] -----
  Ignoring dependencies on modules XML::Twig, XML::Simple, Chart::Graph::Gnuplot


Then I tried to rebuild CPAN::Config - I deleted it and re-run cpan
shell. I noticed that the option for "prerequisites_policy" may be
"follow" instead of "yes" as it asked me:

Policy on building prerequisites (follow, ask or ignore)? [ask]

Anyway - I chose now 'follow' - now it installs automatically any
dependency from shell but still doesn't work when running perl
Makefile.PL && make - fails with same error.

The saga ended when I installed latest Module::Install and
Bundle::CPAN - now it works fine.

Thank you Jonathan for pointing me to the right direction!

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