[Catalyst] Dreamhost for Catalyst
Thomas Hartman
thomashartman1 at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 14 20:54:08 GMT 2007
I think we are talking past each other, or maybe I used the wrong word.
What I meant was, what you get with linode *appears* to be the same as
what you would get if you had your own server: root access, do
whatever you want.
But it's cheaper, and the performance isn't as good.
"I think most virtual hosts wouldn't support persistent connections or
mod_perl, just because it goes against the basic way that virtual hosts
are set up (needing access to the apache config itself, unique instance,
On 2/14/07, Danny Warren <danny at io.com> wrote:
> I think most virtual hosts wouldn't support persistent connections or
> mod_perl, just because it goes against the basic way that virtual hosts
> are set up (needing access to the apache config itself, unique instance,
> etc).
> Here is the part where you get flooded with host recommendations from
> everyone!
> I use these guys: http://asmallorange.com/
> Shoot them an e-mail, they might be willing to set you up with something
> custom.
> The main reason I love them over other hosts I have used (dreamhost,
> etc) is that they are willing to help you out to get your setup tweaked
> for whatever you need, even though I am just a lowly virtual server
> customer on a cheap account.
> The server I am hosted on was missing FCGI.pm, and I couldn't install it
> as a non-root user (FCGI needs a bunch of stuff above and beyond most
> normal perl modules, and the headers it needed weren't in the chroot
> jail). They didn't make me jump through a bunch of hoops or give me
> funny looks like I was doing something sneaky, they just said "no
> problem" and within an hour it was on the box.
> I was able to compile everything else I needed for catalyst in my home
> dir, and had a fastcgi + catalyst setup going without any problems.
> They also seemed interested in making Catalyst available by default,
> which would be really cool. I haven't circled back and talked to them
> about that yet (I was just trying to make sure that it worked in the
> first place before I totally dove in to catalyst).
> Here is the test page, running under fcgi and connecting to postgres:
> http://www.dannywarren.com/test/
> Only downside to fcgi is that if nobody has hit it in a while, you have
> to wait a second for it to kick off a fcgi process for your app. Still,
> doing that takes less time than rendering it a cgi, and it only needs
> done in between huge traffic gaps on your site.
> Danny
> Toby Corkindale wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > was chatting to someone about hosting a low-traffic Catalyst site, and
> > the subject of Dreamhost came up - they (apparently) offer particularly
> > cheap virtual servers (about £5/month), and judging by their website,
> > you receive a shell and can compile your own apps, including it says,
> > CGI apps.
> >
> > I was wondering how appropriate it would be for running a
> > database-backed Catalyst app though. There is support for persistent
> > MySQL databases (i don't know about PostgreSQL), but I don't know about
> > mod_perl or fastcgi apps.
> >
> > Has anyone else tried using them?
> > You don't get a unique IP address, so I suspect you don't get your own
> > Apache instance either, so that probably rules out mod_perl.
> >
> > I guess I could always have a CGI-only version of the catalyst app, but
> > catalyst takes quite a while to load up on bigger apps..
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Toby
> >
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