[Catalyst] IMPORTANT: Catalyst::Plugin::FormBuilder obsoleted
Octavian Rasnita
orasnita at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 11:19:45 GMT 2007
Finally I was able to install Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder under
I have tried the same thing, but with different results:
ppm s Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst
ppm i 2
Downloading Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst-0.37...done
Unpacking Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst-0.37...done
Generating HTML for Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst-0.37...done
Installing to site area...done
1 file unchanged
1 file updated
So all went fine, with no errors on my computer.
But if I did this for more times, instead of telling me that the module was
installed, it installed it again and again, with no errors, so I didn't know
what's the problem.
Some time ago I have seen that ppm finds the packages if I use :: instead of
"-". For example, it finds the package if I search for:
ppm s Catalyst::Runtime
So I have searched for:
ppm s Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst
Of course, just as I thought, ppm found the packages, and as I just told
you, I've installed it (for more times).
Then I have searched for:
ppm s Test::WWW::Mechanize
But it told me that:
*** no packages matching 'Test::WWW::Mechanize' found ***
So I thought that that package is not vailable on any ppm repository.
But now I have searched for:
ppm s Test-WWW-Mechanize
And of course, it found that package.
So I think it is a bug in ppm because some modules can be found with ::,
others cannot, but the Windows users depend on ppm (unfortunately)
----- Original Message -----
I agree and the following response also belongs elsewhere.
I was curious about Perl on Windows and managed to install Mechanize,
etc on the latest version of ActivePerl. I'm surprised how far Windows
Perl has come BTW.
First, I pointed my PPM repository to
http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/package.lst and tried to install
Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst, but got the following error:
ERROR: File conflict; package Catalyst-Runtime already provide
That's because PPM tries to install Catalyst which is listed
separately and I had already installed Catalyst-Runtime. Obviously,
PPM doesn't know the difference between the old and new version of
So I did the following: a) removed Catalyst-Runtime, b) installed
Catalyst, c) installed Mechanize, d) removed Catalyst and e) then
finally re-installed Catalyst-Runtime. Pretty stupid, I know.
Finally I used the CPAN command line to install C-C-FormBuilder,
fixed an nmake "Undefined UpdateHTML_blib" error as described at
and got it to install fine -- all test passed.
So, it seems with a little bit of common sense and digging around, you
could get it installed on Windows in about 30 minutes without any
prior experience in that sort of stuff.
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