[Catalyst] Catalyst mentioned as technology alternative
Kieren Diment
diment at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 21:49:36 GMT 2007
On 05/01/07, Alan Humphrey <alan.humphrey at comcast.net> wrote:
> Thought the list would be interested in this:
> http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/1/3/182756/0971
> Short story - Dailykos (prominent left-wing blog in the US) is planning to
> rewrite its back end and they're discussing language alternatives. Perl,
> Ruby, and Python are in the running. Once the language is determined then
> a
> framework needs to be selected. From the article:
> "Core web framework is dictated by language choice, and vice versa. If
> you're using Ruby, you're almost certainly using Ruby on Rails. If you're
> using Python, you might be using Django or Zope. If you're using Perl,
> you're using mod_perl, maybe with one of the higher level frameworks
> available from CPAN that build on top of it (Catalyst, Mason, etc.)
> "So, which is better? Anyone use more than one of them and have a
> real-world
> opinion?
> "To prime the pump, I'll say I'm nervous about trying to do this site on
> Rails: I have little information on how well it will scale, and I'm not
> certain how many of their most-hyped features we'd just be immediately
> working around anyway (like their data abstraction stuff). These two
> concerns also apply to dozens upon dozens of other framework engines --
> pretty much all of them, in fact, to one extent or another.
> "Note that we've actually got rather specific technical requirements,
> here,
> and they revolve almost exclusively around speed. The number of primary
> "pages" on Daily Kos is very few -- the frontpage, story page, etc. But
> they're always in memory, they're always changing, and they get hammered
> hard. Optimizing that behavior is far more important than prototyping them
> quickly."
IIRC The daily Kos was originally used with Scoop. An old school mod-perl
democratised slashcode like thing.
Yes I used it and yes it was a bit of a nightmare to customise as mvc was
broken in numerous places (not to mention the development nightmares caused
by mod_perl).
So yeah, Catalyst: the saner choice. (particularly if you want to have half
a chance to be able to reuse code from an old mod_perl app).
And the buggers seem to bar new accounts from posting comments :-(
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