[Catalyst] Apache logs

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 19:02:51 GMT 2007


I have set one default error log file in httpd.conf for all the 
virtualhosts, using:

ErrorLog logs/error.log

and one especially for my virtual host, using:

ErrorLog e:/web/TranzactiiBursiere/logs/error.txt

The problem is that some of the messages generated by the Catalyst 
application are send to the first error log file, and others are sent to the 
second one.
Do you know why does this happend, or what can I do to make it store all of 
them in my virtualhost's error log file?

In the main error log appear the most interesting "errors", like the list of 
actions that are executed, and the DBIx::Class errors, and other perl 
In my virtualhost's error log appear only messages with all the action that 
were loaded in the entire application.

Thank you.


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