[Catalyst] Re: How to access current MyApp instance ?
A. Pagaltzis
pagaltzis at gmx.de
Mon Jul 2 02:09:09 GMT 2007
* Bill Moseley <moseley at hank.org> [2007-07-01 23:05]:
> On Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 09:27:17PM +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> > Of course, we’ve known since the ’70s or so how to make
> > better programming languages, but ABW considers templating
> > languages to be totally different from programming languages,
> > so you get to be transported back to the ’60s.
> Yes, we are celebrating 40 years this summer! Only when I'm
> really tripping do I believe TT's a programming language.
Maybe not, but it’s turing complete, and the lessons learned from
designing proper languages apply just as much. This is something
that all minilanguages suffer from: they start out as simple
hacks, not meant to do much, then keep acreting features until
they’re turing complete and every bit as bad as BASIC.
> > Have I mentioned that I hate TT2 with a passion?
> Avoid it like the plague, then. ;)
I wish. Perl does not currently have a really good templating
system. I wish the cruddy webapp bits strewn into Mason had not
turned me off of it; I’ve come to really despise TT2 and would
probably be happier at this time with Mason, although it is bad
for roughly the opposite reasons as TT2.
I have a rant about that half-written that I should post at some
point. And I should then follow through on my arguments and make
good on my threat to put ANOTHER templating system on CPAN.
Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>
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