[Catalyst] Follow-up to new uri_for() bug
apv at sedition.com
Fri Jul 20 21:09:45 GMT 2007
A long, long time ago. Summation: req->base, and therefore c-
>uri_for, gets hosed in Engine::CGI after redirect requests if the
request contains regex chars (several are legal for URIs) b/c it's
doing a non-literal substitution.
The bug is actually worse that I thought before. Not only will it
hose internal URI stuf, it will crash an app if given an unbalanced
"regex" like "http://host/path/args(with-problems"
I got rebitten by this bug after a Cat update and forgot it never got
addressed. It took me an hour of reading through the Cat modules to
write a test but I learned a lot.
So, here's the diff to fix the bug.
--- Catalyst/Engine/CGI.pm.orig 2007-07-18 16:57:09.000000000 -0700
+++ Catalyst/Engine/CGI.pm 2007-07-18 16:57:24.000000000 -0700
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
my $base_path;
if ( exists $ENV{REDIRECT_URL} ) {
$base_path = $ENV{REDIRECT_URL};
- $base_path =~ s/$ENV{PATH_INFO}$//;
+ $base_path =~ s/\Q$ENV{PATH_INFO}\E$//;
else {
$base_path = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} || '/';
And here is a test which fails (3 of 9 fail) until the patch is
applied. I hope it's okay. It's the first non-Mech based Cat test
I've written so a core dev should certainly check it over.
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use Test::More tests => 9;
use Catalyst;
use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
use Catalyst::Request;
my ( $creq, $context );
# test that req->base and c->uri_for work correctly after a
redirected request
my $path = '/engine/request/uri/Rx(here)';
my $uri = 'http://localhost' . $path;
local $ENV{REDIRECT_URL} = $path;
local $ENV{PATH_INFO} = $path;
ok( my $response = request($uri), 'Request' );
ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
ok( eval '$creq = ' . $response->content, 'Unserialize
Catalyst::Request' );
ok( $context = Catalyst->new({ request => $creq, }), "Created a
context from request" );
is( $creq->path, 'engine/request/uri/Rx(here)', 'URI contains
correct path' );
is( $creq->base, 'http://localhost/', 'Base is correct' );
is( $context->uri_for("/bar/baz")->as_string, "http://localhost/
bar/baz", "uri_for creates correct URI from app root" );
is( $context->uri_for("foo/qux")->as_string, "http://localhost/
foo/qux", "uri_for creates correct URI" );
is( $creq->path, 'engine/request/uri/Rx(here)', 'URI contains
correct path' );
On Sep 11, 2006, at 6:22 PM, Matt S Trout wrote:
> apv wrote:
>> http://lists.rawmode.org/pipermail/catalyst/2006-September/
>> 009531.html (I did start a new message there, blame Mail.app, not me
>> for the bad threading)
>> Okay, mean guys. Make me solve my own, er, Catalyst's own, bugs.
>> Line 118 (5.7001) of Catalyst::Engine::CGI looks like this:
>> $base_path =~ s/$ENV{PATH_INFO}$//;
>> Unless I'm losing it, it should look like this:
>> $base_path =~ s/\Q$ENV{PATH_INFO}\E$//;
>> Otherwise uri_for (well, request->base and anything that uses it)
>> gets borked by any number of regex chars in the URI.
> That seems like a sane complaint.
> If you can add a failing test I can get it into 5.70002 ...
> --
> Matt S Trout Offering custom development, consultancy
> and support
> Technical Director contracts for Catalyst, DBIx::Class and
> BAST. Contact
> Shadowcat Systems Ltd. mst (at) shadowcatsystems.co.uk for more
> information
> + Help us build a better perl ORM: http://dbix-
> class.shadowcatsystems.co.uk/ +
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