[Catalyst] Re: [RHTMLO] RDBO/RHTMLO integration with Catalyst -
work in progress
Peter Karman
peter at peknet.com
Sat Jul 21 14:02:24 GMT 2007
check out Catalyst::Controller::Rose on cpan.
It has a different philosophy than what you've described. But if you find
features missing that you think would make it more useful, please send me
patches/tests/docs etc. You might consider writing a new
Catalyst::Controller::Rose::SomeThing to implement what you're describing with YAML.
Alexandre Jousset wrote on 7/21/07 7:56 AM:
> Hello lists,
> Since I haven't seen any work like this before (if I'm wrong please
> give me pointers!) I started to write a Catalyst Controller called
> "Catalyst::Controller::RHTMLO" to integrate RHTMLO (and a few bits of
> RDBO) to Catalyst the same way "Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder" do.
> In fact my work is originally based on it.
> For the moment the only thing one can do with it is to define a form in
> YAML (or any config file recognized by "Config::Loader") and have it
> displayed in the template (TT2 for the moment, but others are planned).
> The module also defines, like the FormBuilder one, a 'Form' method
> attribute. The plan is to have forms automagically validated and, if no
> errors, give the user (developper) the ability to save them as objects
> in the db. Else, the error messages are set for user convenience.
> Here is an example of a YAML file for the action "/user/create",
> located in .../root/forms/user/create.yaml:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> name: UserCreateForm # optional, automatically computed
> method: post
> rdbo: User # class of the rdbo object, used to load/save objects and
> also for field init (see below, types are sometimes missing, but it works)
> fields_order:
> - login
> - disp_name
> - mail
> - disp_mail
> - home_page
> - pass
> - pass2
> - submit
> fields:
> login:
> label: Login
> validate: /^.{4\,40}$/, /^\w*$/
> message: Between 4 and 40 characters, Only
> alphanumeric characters
> required: 1
> disp_name:
> label: Real name (public)
> validate: /^.{0\,50}$/, /^[\w\.-\(\)]*$/
> message: Max 50 characters, Forbidden character(s)
> mail:
> label: Real Email
> type: email
> message: Invalid Email
> required: 1
> disp_mail:
> label: Displayed Email (public)
> validate: /^.{0\,80}$/
> message: Max 80 characters
> home_page:
> label: URL
> validate: /^.{0\,100}$/
> message: Invalid URL
> pass:
> label: Password
> type: password
> validate: /^.{4\,40}$/
> required: 1
> message: Between 4 and 40 characters
> pass2:
> label: Password confirmation
> type: password
> validate: /^.{4\,40}$/
> message: Between 4 and 40 characters
> required: 1
> submit:
> type: submit
> --------------------------------------------------------
> I haven't packaged it yet and I think it is too early (despite the
> "release early, release often" moto) so I can't upload it to CPAN but I
> have some question to ask to you all:
> - Is the name I gave a good name? I don't think so. I think it should
> mention the fact that it also concerns RDBO.
> - Are you interested in a module like this? I'm pretty sure somebody is
> ;-) I'm the first ;-)
> - What are your requests / suggestions about a module like this? Feel
> free to ask questions if my explanation wasn't enough.
> - Should I keep the validation system like this, or should I create
> validation classes (better IMHO)? For the moment the error messages are
> localized in the template with a macro.
> Thank you for your attention.
> Regards,
Peter Karman . http://peknet.com/ . peter at peknet.com
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