[Catalyst] Suggestion for FastMmap related plugin handling

Ash Berlin ash_cpan at firemirror.com
Sat Jul 21 22:11:42 GMT 2007

Seems like a bug in Cache::FastMmap. I'll get round to fixing it in my
fork (Cache::FastMmap::With::Win32) - that or get co-maint on the proper

Fancy writing a me a failing test case against either CPAN'd modules?

apv wrote:
> I got a small bite by unexpected behavior when setting the storage  
> source for CP::Session::Store::FastMmap with path_to().
> I went from using a static string to a path_to representing the  
> identical path and it broke the storage. It also, I think, fails  
> silently in the case of CP::Cache::FastMmap.
> It took a minute to realize that path_to is returning a Class::Path  
> object. This stringifies fine most of the time but I think b/c  
> FastMmap has underlying C code it doesn't know what to do with the  
> path_to object (just a guess).
> This is broken silently:
>      cache => {
>          backend => {
>              store => 'FastMmap',
>              share_file => __PACKAGE__->path_to('tmp', 'another_cache'),
>          },
>      },
> This is broken fatally:
>      session      => {
>          storage => __PACKAGE__->path_to('tmp', 'cache_name'),
>      },
> While these work fine:
>      cache => {
>          backend => {
>              store => 'FastMmap',
>              share_file => __PACKAGE__->path_to('tmp',  
> 'another_cache')->stringify,
>          },
>      },
>      session      => {
>          storage => __PACKAGE__->path_to('tmp', 'cache_name')- 
>  >stringify,
>      },
> Would it be a good idea to change the  
> Catalyst::Plugin::Session::FastMmap::setup() to quote sources?
> I couldn't easily see where it *might* benefit from a change in  
> CP::Cache.
> sub setup {
>      my $self = shift;
> ###    $self->config->{session}->{storage} ||= '/tmp/session';
>      my $storage = $self->config->{session}->{storage} || '/tmp/ 
> session'; # NEW
>      $self->config->{session}->{expires} ||= 60 * 60 * 24;
>      $self->config->{session}->{rewrite} ||= 0;
>      $self->_session(
>          Cache::FastMmap->new(
>   ###         share_file  => $self->config->{session}->{storage},
>              share_file  => "$storage", # NEW
>              expire_time => $self->config->{session}->{expires}
>          )
>      );
>      return $self->NEXT::setup(@_);
> }
> -Ashley
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