[Catalyst] Chained, slashes, and escaping
Jim Spath
jspath at pangeamedia.com
Mon Mar 5 20:33:09 GMT 2007
I'm implementing tagging under Catalyst and want to be as unrestrictive
as possible on the tag text. As such, I allow slashes in the tag text.
To view information on a given tag, you hit the following path:
Which uses the following action in the Tag controller:
sub view : PathPart('tag') Chained('/') Args {
my ($self, $c, $tag) = @_;
To test and make sure the escaping is working properly I created the
following tag:
When I access the following URI:
$tag gets set to sl instead of sl/ashes.
Chained appears to be using the unescaped path when it looks for the
separator instead of the actual path.
Is this a bug or a feature? How can I work around it?
- Jim
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