[Catalyst] Performance
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Fri Mar 9 12:20:53 GMT 2007
Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior wrote:
> On 3/8/07, Jim Spath <jspath at pangeamedia.com> wrote:
>> URI is next up at around 14% of time. Is there anything that can be
>> done about this one?
> =
> Wherever is reasonably possible, instead of actually using calls to
> $c->uri_for() for every item, call it only once and then build the
> rest of the URI manually.
> =
> This is specially useful on those tables where each line links to a
> different item. Then, instead of something like:
> =
> [% FOREACH item IN items %]
> [% c.uri_for('/item', item.id) %]
> [% END %]
> =
> Use something like:
> =
> [% base_uri =3D c.uri_for('/item') %]
> [% FOREACH item IN items %]
> [% base_uri %]/[% item.id %]
> [% END %]
> =
> By making this kind of changes throughout an entire Catalyst
> application I've been able to get 15-20% better performance.
> =
> -Nilson Santos F. Jr.
> =
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> List: Catalyst at lists.rawmode.org
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> Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/
> =
> =
Even better, just don't use uri_for if you don't have to. Relative uris
are your friend. They still work. The web still functions without
uri_for. :-)
If you are working on an index page, and you have create/edit/view links
that are relative to that page, just use html:
[% FOREACH item in items %]
<a href=3D"[% item.id %]">...</a>
[% END %]
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