[Catalyst] Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::CatalystBasics [error]
Couldn't render template "undef error - status_msg is undefined
David Christensen
dpchrist at holgerdanske.com
Wed Mar 14 04:51:24 GMT 2007
I am working my way through the Catalyst tutorials, and have come across some
My platform is FreeBSD 6.2. I did not use the ports collection to install
Catalyst, instead I read:
and used CPAN to install the following modules/bundles (?):
As I worked my way through the examples, I found that I also needed to install:
I'm now on tutorial 2 of 9, and have run the various scripts, entered modules and
templates, etc., as directed for the books database example. When I fire up the
development server and browse to:
The server says:
[error] Couldn't render template "undef error - status_msg is undefined
I don't know how to fix that. STFW revealed no hits and the mailing list archive
doesn't seem have it's own search engine (Google Advanced with Domain set should
do it?). (Complete server output follows FYI.)
Any suggestions?
<CVSENV>2007-03-13 21:30:40 dpchrist at p3800 ~/MyApp
$ export DBIC_TRACE=1
<CVSENV>2007-03-13 21:30:45 dpchrist at p3800 ~/MyApp
$ script/myapp_server.pl
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Loaded plugins:
| Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader 0.13 |
| Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace 0.06 |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple 0.15 |
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::HTTP"
[debug] Found home "/usr/home/dpchrist/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded Config "/usr/home/dpchrist/MyApp/myapp.yml"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class | Type |
| MyApp::Controller::Books | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Root | instance |
| MyApp::Model::MyAppDB | instance |
| MyApp::Model::MyAppDB::Author | class |
| MyApp::Model::MyAppDB::Book | class |
| MyApp::Model::MyAppDB::BookAuthor | class |
| MyApp::View::TT | instance |
[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private | Class | Method |
| /default | MyApp::Controller::Root | default |
| /end | MyApp::Controller::Root | end |
| /books/index | MyApp::Controller::Books | index |
| /books/list | MyApp::Controller::Books | list |
[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path | Private |
| /books/list | /books/list |
[info] MyApp powered by Catalyst 5.7006
You can connect to your server at http://p3800.holgerdanske.com:3000
[info] *** Request 1 (0.038/s) [34676] [Tue Mar 13 21:31:36 2007] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "/" from ""
[info] Request took 0.066451s (15.049/s)
| Action | Time |
| /default | 0.004017s |
| /end | 0.000862s |
SELECT me.id, me.title, me.rating FROM books me:
SELECT author.id, author.first_name, author.last_name FROM book_authors me JOIN
authors author ON ( author.id = me.author_id ) WHERE ( me.book_id = ? ): '1'
SELECT author.id, author.first_name, author.last_name FROM book_authors me JOIN
authors author ON ( author.id = me.author_id ) WHERE ( me.book_id = ? ): '2'
SELECT author.id, author.first_name, author.last_name FROM book_authors me JOIN
authors author ON ( author.id = me.author_id ) WHERE ( me.book_id = ? ): '3'
SELECT author.id, author.first_name, author.last_name FROM book_authors me JOIN
authors author ON ( author.id = me.author_id ) WHERE ( me.book_id = ? ): '4'
SELECT author.id, author.first_name, author.last_name FROM book_authors me JOIN
authors author ON ( author.id = me.author_id ) WHERE ( me.book_id = ? ): '5'
[info] *** Request 3 (0.017/s) [34676] [Tue Mar 13 21:34:04 2007] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "books/list" from ""
[debug] Path is "books/list"
[debug] Rendering template "books/list.tt2"
[debug] Applying HTML page layout wrappers to books/list.tt2
[error] Couldn't render template "undef error - status_msg is undefined
[error] Couldn't render template "undef error - status_msg is undefined
[info] Request took 0.751309s (1.331/s)
| Action | Time |
| /books/list | 0.152990s |
| /end | 0.473851s |
| -> MyApp::View::TT->process | 0.466885s |
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