[Catalyst] Re: Announce: Website In A Box

Christopher H. Laco claco at chrislaco.com
Wed Mar 21 20:47:15 GMT 2007

Christopher H. Laco wrote:
> Kieren Diment wrote:
>> On 22/03/07, Neil de Carteret <n3dst4 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 20/03/07, Kieren Diment <diment at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> OK, some people pointed out problems with the Makefile.PL and the
>>> structure
>>>> of the tarball, so there's already a 0.011 release at
>>>> http://websiteinabox.googlecode.com/files/WIAB-0.011.tar.gz
>>> I've just starting having a play with it.
>>> How do you envisage upgrades working? That is, how do I not munge my
>>> page about my cats when I svn up?
>> Well, if you keep your own branch and make sure that you don't merge
>> wiab.yml, auth.txt or root/content, everything should be right for now.
>> Speaking of which at some point I'll have to put some code to store
>> diffs of
>> each page as well :)
> =

> Funny. I currently loathe this practice, and I blame myself.
> On any other system, I can change things without doing source merges
> when an upgrade comes out. So why do good Cat apps have to be any
> different. The more I work on Mango, the more I have people just using
> and changing the app, rather than making it all base software, with
> creation-isms, like catalyst.pl. the more I hate it.
> =

> The killer is the templates. Custom app modules can inherit from Base
> software modules. Templates can't...easily, if all. If we could figure
> that out, all would be better imho.
> =

> -=3DChris

Or more to the point... have app supplied templates, and be able to user
user customized templates in combination with the app
templates...without have to worry about sources, merging, upgrade, etc...


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