[Catalyst] FOREACH problem
Steve H
s_t_e_v_e_h at hotmail.com
Mon May 7 01:22:12 GMT 2007
In answer to your:
>What am I doing wrong?
Cast the hash assignment as an array, otherwise it's scalar and you'd get
the number of elements in the array instead of the array contents.
@someArray = qw/ 1 2 3 4 /;
%someHash = ();
of the array
@{$someHash{key}} = @someArray;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\%someHash);
...nothing wrong with the other solution offerred of using an array ref i.e.
>$c->stash->{categoriesToDelete} = \@categoriesToDelete;
...although, best if you know what was causing your actual problem.
>Message: 6
>Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 16:39:23 +0200
>From: "Dmitri Pissarenko" <dmitri.pissarenko at gmail.com>
>Subject: [Catalyst] FOREACH problem
>To: catalyst at lists.rawmode.org
> <e012616b0705060739g7e4f52e4sfdabe3b59beb7a11 at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>I have an action, which should do following:
>It reads from the GET parameter a string with record IDs, i. e. "1,2,3,".
>Then, this action should fetch from the database the records with these
>Finally, it should pass the resulting array to another page, in which
>these records are displayed using
>[% FOREACH cat IN categoriesToDelete -%]
> <li>[% cat.name %]</li>
>[% END -%]
>Now I have the problem that in the page with FOREACH nothing is
>displayed, even though categoriesToDelete contains some data.
>The code is this:
>sub form_deleteSeveralCategories : Local {
> my ($self, $c) = @_;
> # fetch IDs as string
> my $categoryIdsAsSingleString = $c->request->params->{categoryIds};
> # convert string to array of individual IDs
> my @categoryIds = split (/,/, $categoryIdsAsSingleString);
> # read records from the database and store them in @categoriesToDelete
> my @categoriesToDelete = map
> {
> # $_ is the ID of the record
> $c->model('TimeTrackingAppDB::Category')->find($_);
> } @categoryIds;
> foreach (@categoriesToDelete)
> {
> $c->log->debug('cat: ' . $_);
> };
> # pass the parameters to the page with FOREACH
> $c->stash->{categoryIds} = $categoryIdsAsSingleString;
> $c->stash->{categoriesToDelete} = @categoriesToDelete;
> >
> > categoriesToDelete is passed to form_deleteSeveralCategories.tt2 very
> > well, since "[% categoriesToDelete %]" is displayed as "2" (number of
> > elements in the array).
> >
> > But nothing in displayed in the FOREACH loop.
> >
> > What am I doing wrong?
> >
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