[Catalyst] C::C::FormBuilder debug noise...

RA Jones ra.jones at dpw.clara.co.uk
Mon May 7 10:14:26 GMT 2007

Marcello Romani wrote:
> RA Jones ha scritto:
>> It looks like your output is showing both debug1 and debug2 levels, 
>> which suggests your fb config settings are not being used. Did you place 
> That's what I thought too.
> Where do you put the "debug" option ?
> I tried this:
> package MyApp::Controller::FBConfig;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use base qw/Catalyst::Controlloer::FormBuilder/;
> sub new {
>     my $class = shift;
>     my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
>     $self->{debug} = 0;
>     return 0;
> }
> 1;
> But of course it doesn't work. Could you post (some of) your code ?
> Thanks you very much.
As I indicated previously, I have a sub-class of CCF containing 
formbuilder configuration settings (and more) which is a parent class 
for all my (formbuilder-using) controllers. So:

package MyApp::Controller::ClassThatUsesFormBuilder;

use lib '/path/to/my/perl-lib';
use base qw/My::Formbuilder/; # configures CCF;

sub build_form : Local Form('/users') {
   my ($self, $c) = @_;

   my $form = $self->build_user_form($c); # in My::Formbuilder

   # etc;

package My::Formbuilder;

use base qw/Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder/;

   'Controller::FormBuilder' => {
     new => {
       debug => 0,
#     ^^^^^^^^^^ debug settings here
       messages => {
         # override default messages go here,
       validate => {
         # complex validation routines here
     stash_name => 'fb', # ie fb.field.some_field.value in TT

sub build_user_form {
   my ($self, $c) = @_;

   my $form = $self->formbuilder;

   # fields requiring complexity not available to .fb source file:
     name    => 'some_field',
     options => [
       map [ $_->id, $_->location ],
           { order_by => 'location'} )

   return $form;

Not only does this work, but I find it more convenient specifying 
formbuilder config options in one place rather than in every controller 
that uses CCF. Hope it works for you.
Richard Jones
Leeds, UK

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