[Catalyst] Re: Shoot out -- Catalyst / RoR / Other MVC apps --
Matt S Trout
dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Fri May 11 10:26:19 GMT 2007
On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 10:43:57AM +0200, David Morel wrote:
> Le 10 mai 07 à 17:23, Tobias Kremer a écrit :
> >>But, this does raise another question I have. There is plethora of
> >>modules
> >>that are to help Perl be more OO like and stricter .... which is
> >>cool, but
> >>are there any good de-facto standard modules that are used by the
> >>majority of
> >>people wishing to be more OO compliant.
> >
> >That'd be Moose, I suppose - A complete modern object system for
> >Perl 5:
> >
> >http://search.cpan.org/dist/Moose/
> >
> >Haven't really looked into it yet but I always wanted to know if there
> >are any plans on incorporating this into the Perl 5 core
Well, you'll find it's being standardised upon by a lot of people anyway
- Reaction is Moose from the ground up and I think now the immutable stuff's
landed (which cures most of the "Moose is slow" complaints) it's pretty
likely Catalyst and DBIx::Class will end up being Moose in the not too
distant future.
> RGARCIA tells me : "Moose doesn't need to be in the core. However,
> bleadperl now has an "mro" pragma that permits to switch on a per-
> class basis to the C3 MRO (and with more performance than with non-
> core implementations)."
There's not really any reason for Moose to be in the core - Rafael's quite
sensible in his decisions about that and I think was quite shocked when I
chatted to him about some stuff at YAPC and wasn't suggesting any of it
went in core, just wondering how I could co-operate with core :)
Those of you who're using DBIx::Class should be on the dbix-class list and
would then already be aware of the mro pragma since it was written by our
very own (much respected*) Brandon Black to support the XS implementation of
Class::C3, which in turn massively reduces the load time hit of DBIx::Class.
* aka "completely insane man who works in areas I fear to tread" :)
Matt S Trout Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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