[Catalyst] $c->uri_for with proxy (heavy loaded projects).

Oleg Pronin syber.rus at gmail.com
Wed May 16 15:46:35 GMT 2007

Greetings. Imagine:

Variant #1 - simple

BROWSER http://site.com -> Apache(80). uri_for is http://site.com

Variant #2 - simple proxing

 BROWSER http://site.com -> nginx/oops (80) -> Apache(81). uri_for is
http://site.com:81 !

Variant #3 - complex proxing

 BROWSER http://site.com
-> nginx (80)
-> apache+mod_accel(81)
-> nginx (82) (load balancing)
-> many Apaches (83). uri_for *vary for different machines: *

Does anyone can advice a good solution ?
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