[Catalyst] reusable view components

Oleg Pronin syber.rus at gmail.com
Thu May 17 20:18:05 GMT 2007

If you want to include your components with dispatching (full request
cycle), please see plugin Subrequest. But with this plugin you will lose
perfomance because instead of 1 request you will get many. (possibly  'auto'
actions will be called several times).

2007/5/17, John Goulah <jgoulah at gmail.com>:
> Theres probably not one specific answer for this, but I was curious on
> peoples opinion.  I'm basically trying to figure out what is the best way=
> create componentized views, such as Mason components allows you do reuse
> pieces of the page that are cachable.  Would this basically be done on the
> template level pulling in pieces of various smaller templates into a bigg=
> wrapper like template, and forwarding (or perhaps chaining) within the
> controller to gather the data that gets passed into it?   What are peoples
> thoughts on the best way to reuse as many parts of the page as possible w=
> certain pieces are used on many pages within the app?
> Thanks!
> John
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