[Catalyst] Bug with POSTs using cat 5.7007,
and parse_on_demand = 1
Mark Zealey
mark at itsolve.co.uk
Sat May 19 00:41:57 GMT 2007
After spending the past two hours looking through code etc, I finally
discovered this was a bug of my own making. Basically, I've written a custom
little FormBuilder controller module that loads .pm files with formbuilder
specs. As part of that, it specified that it wanted { params => $c->req },
which wouldn't normally be a problem except that then in the base class, I do
a Hash::Merge with some other values that I want. This by default does a
Clone on the hashes, hence cloning $c->req. This meant that $c->req->{_body}
was read in the cloned version when ->param was called, but it was then
called again in the non-cloned version which caused it to want to read the
data again. Pfew!
On Friday 18 May 2007 10:24 pm, Andy Grundman wrote:
> One more thing, can you set the environment variable
> CATALYST_HTTP_DEBUG=1 and then run through your bad POST? This
> should give some helpful info.
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