[Catalyst] Mapping urls inside catalyst
Mark Zealey
mark at itsolve.co.uk
Sat May 19 22:55:59 GMT 2007
wow; thanks for your detailed response - I hadn't even considered doing
something like that. I'm not sure that it's exactly what I'm looking for
though; I am basically trying to write my app in the 'fred' layer ie I want a
lot of modules as MyApp::Controller::Foo::Fred,
MyApp::Controller::Foo::Wilma, etc (say, 10 modules)which just need to get
the database entry in one of three ways. I think in that case you're saying
that I would need to use all 10 of these as base classes in each of C::Foo,
C::Bar and C::ViaHost ?
The original solution I was thinking of was something like a simple
select-type statement based on the beginning of the path, and then a
re-dispatch (ie in MyApp::C::Root::auto, I'd have if(s!^/foo/(\d+)(?=/)!!) {
load by id } elsif(s!^/bar/([^/]+)!! { load by name } else { look up vhost})
but I couldn't really work out how to do this stripping and then shove the
url back into catalyst...
On Saturday 19 May 2007 9:18 pm, Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek wrote:
> Mark Zealey wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to work out the 'best way' of solving the following problem.
> > Basically, I want to have several entries into my application. One is of
> > the form /foo/<id> where id is an integer primary key. Another
> > is /bar/<other_key> where other_key is some string key, and another is
> > via a virtual host. I want them all to go into my MyApp::C::Foo::
> > namespace, but I have multiple classes under there eg
> > MyApp::C::Foo::Fred. I thus want the following to be equivalent:
> >
> > mysite.com/foo/5/fred/list
> > mysite.com/bar/myname/fred/list
> > othersite.com/fred/list
> Is fred an argument or is he a part of the application? :)
> > I was thinking I colud do this using Chained actions; but I don't know
> > much about them and the rest of the app is not using them - it's using
> > :Local for the most part.
> Assuming that fred is an argument, I would implement:
> - a controller base class, that chains to a base action in the
> subclass:
> package MyApp::ControllerBase::Fred;
> use strict;
> use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
> # this gets the fred, ties to the 'load' action in the subclass
> sub load_fred: Chained('load') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) {
> my ($self, $c, $fred) = @_;
> $c->stash(fred => $fred);
> }
> sub list_fred: Chained('load_fred') PathPart('list') {
> ...
> }
> 1;
> - different controllers for every type of invocation. these are the
> actions I would implement:
> in MyApp::Controller::Foo (load gets the id):
> sub base: Chained PathPart('foo') CaptureArgs(0) { ... }
> sub load: Chained('base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) { ... }
> in MyApp::Controller::Bar (load gets the name):
> sub base: Chained PathPart('bar') CaptureArgs(0) { ... }
> sub load: Chained('base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) { ... }
> in MyApp::Controller::ViaHost (load uses host to find the item):
> sub base: Chained PathPart('') CaptureArgs(0) { ... }
> sub load: Chained('base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(0) { ... }
> In any case, you could omit the base actions and load directly. I just
> like the convention of naming the chained base action in a controller
> 'base.' All need to have their base class set to the one above.
> This is all untested of course. But you should get the chains
> /foo/*/*/list - Foo::base, Foo::load, Fred::load_fred, Fred::list_fred
> /bar/*/*/list - Bar::base, Bar::load, Fred::load_fred, Fred::list_fred
> /*/*/list - ViaHost::base, ViaHost::load, Fred::load_fred,
> Fred::list_fred
> If 'fred' is an action, but not an argument, just change the 'load_fred'
> action to a simple chained action that tales no args. Make it a base if
> it's just a namespace element. Maybe you should also consider putting
> the chain that goes via the domain under another namespace, if fred is
> indeed an argument, to avoid collisions.
> .phaylon
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