[Catalyst] Creating a thin Model

Jamie Neil jamie at versado.net
Mon May 21 11:06:44 GMT 2007

Christopher H. Laco wrote:
>> Personally, I almost always do:
>> sub COMPONENT {
>>    my $self = NEXT::new
>>  diddle config...return $self
>> }
> Sorry...that pseudo code was too vague:
>   my $self = shift->NEW::new(@_);
>   $self->{'noncatclass'} = NonCatClass->new
>   return $self
> }
> Then, delegate via autoload, or use real methods to forward request to
> the instance of the real class...

I assume you mean:

my $self = shift->NEXT::new(@_);

in which case it fails with:

Can't call NEXT::new from MyApp::Model::Widget::COMPONENT

I noticed that a number of newer models on CPAN were using this 

use base qw/ Catalyst::Model /;

sub new {
     my $self  = shift->next::method(@_);
     my $class = ref($self);
     my ( $c, $args ) = @_;
     $self->{'.mymodel'} = ExternalModule->new(
         Catalyst::Utils::merge_hashes( $args, $self->config )
     return $self;

     return shift->{'.mymodel'};

or is this only recommended if you need to make the context available in 
the external module?

Jamie Neil | <jamie at versado.net> | 0870 7777 454
Versado I.T. Services Ltd. | http://versado.net/ | 0845 450 1254

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