[Catalyst] Catalyst with apache, how to auto restart like run myapp_server.pl -r?

Peter Karman peter at peknet.com
Tue May 22 03:38:03 GMT 2007

Cookie scribbled on 5/21/07 8:21 PM:

> Is there any way to configurate my apache configuration files to be
> available that I don't need to restart my apache server?(Like I run
> myapp_server.pl -r)


all the -r option does for the dev server is automatically poll for file changes 
and restart the app. It's not a config option; it's a feature of the server. 
Apache has no such feature.

> My Second question is:
> When I visit my web site,the link in http://loalhost/catalyst becomes
> http://localhost/item,but the real link is http://localhost/catalyst/item.
> How can I solve this bug?
> My template like this:
> <a href=/item><h1>[% item %]</h1></a>

<a href="[% c.uri_for('/item') %]">[% item %]</h1></a>

That second is a FAQ. Make sure you read the Catalyst advent calendars at:


Peter Karman  .  http://peknet.com/  .  peter at peknet.com

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