[Catalyst] ActiveRecord for Perl

Adam Bartosik adam.bartosik at hurra.com
Tue May 22 11:57:40 GMT 2007

> I'm currently trying to decide on Catalyst or Rails for a new project.
> I like the flexibility of Catalyst (and love Perl), but I'm attracted to
> a lot of the design decisions in Rails (I like the fact, for example,
> that ActiveRecord::Validations supports data validation in the model,
> just like we were discussing in a previous thread).

Months ago I gave a try for ROR. What is good compared to Catalyst?

- documentation. It is easy to start, good doc, there are many books, 
tutos about it. Catalyst doc is... nothing interesting, sometimes 
inconsistent, sometimes broken links. Even less popular frameworks in 
Python like Pylons have better doc, are easier to start with. Because of 
flexibility, Catalyst could be very difficult at start (many chooses)

- various web-related libs are better, up to date in Ror, eg. prototype

My problems with ROR:
- composite keys not out of the box
- quoting names (I didn't find any workaround, maybe 2h of googling and 
trying to fix it is too less?)
- much fighting to use for existing DB

Sometimes you need to use something from CPAN and gems are not so 

I think when you start a new "agile" project, ROR can be very helpful - 
especially when you need some rules (for project team), some design 
constraints, it is simple - do it our way. There is no such religious 
approach with Catalyst, you can do what you want typically the way you want.

Adam.Bartosik at hurra.com  http://www.hurra-communications.com/
$ o m e    t e a m  .  d e v e l o p e r
Hurra Communications, Krakow/Stuttgart/London/Paris/Madrid

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