[Catalyst] includes in catalyst

John Napiorkowski jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Tue May 22 23:05:59 GMT 2007

--- John Goulah <jgoulah at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it better to put module "use" statements within
> each controller class
> they are used in, or at some more global level , and
> if so where is
> suggested?
> Thanks!
> John

The general consensus is that you should use a module
where it's needed, not in a global area.  You can
however create your own base controller, inheriting
from Catalyst::Controller, that uses everything for a
particular task that you reuse in multiple

If the package you are including is very data oriented
you can consider wrapping it in a model class.

Not recommended is creating a plugin just to expose
some common functionality.


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