[Catalyst] Lightweight error/messages reporting to templates

Paul Makepeace paulm at paulm.com
Wed May 23 19:29:57 GMT 2007

I'm hoping there's a 'best practice' or common pattern for reporting
errors and messages to templates (not necessarily just forms).

I find myself doing stuff like,

 my @errors; my @messages;
 # ...
 if ($some_err_condition) {
   push @errors, "whoops";
 } else {
   push @messages, $obj->name . " updated!";
 # ...
 $c->stash(messages => join "<br/>", @messages);
 $c->stash(errors => join "<br/>", @errors);

Which is then tediously copy & pasted amongst controllers that do that

And then my template says something like,

  [% IF errors %]
    <p class="error">[% errors %]</p>
  [% END %]
  [% IF messages %]
    <p class="messages">[% messages %]</p>
  [% END %]

At least with the template I have that as a MACRO I can call variously
but I'd at least like a way to have some kind of
context/controller-wide way of dealing with these errors & messages. I
don't quite understand Cat's object model well enough to do this
globally myself yet.


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