[Catalyst] ANNOUNCE: Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst

Peter Karman peter at peknet.com
Fri Nov 9 19:13:20 GMT 2007

I've just uploaded Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst 0.01 to CPAN.


This is an alternative to the Catalyst::Example::InstantCRUD app. The main differences are:

 * uses Rose::DB::Object and Rose::HTML::Objects instead of DBIx::Class and HTML::Widget
 * uses CatalystX::CRUD::Model::RDBO and CatalystX::CRUD::Controller::RHTMLO
 * relies heavily on the Yahoo UI library (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/)

The idea behind this project is to make it easy to quickly bootstrap a web UI to your existing
database. It has been tested with PostgreSQL 8.x, YUI 2.3.1 and Rose::DBx::Garden 0.03.

>From the SYNOPSIS:

    # create a Catalyst app
    > catalyst.pl MyApp

    # create a Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst script
    > cat mk_cat_garden.pl
    use Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst;
    use MyDB;  # isa Rose::DB

    my $garden = Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst->new(
                    catalyst_prefix => 'MyApp',
                    garden_prefix   => 'MyRDBO',
                    db              => MyDB->new,
                    tt              => 1,  # make Template Toolkit files


    # run your script
    > perl mk_cat_garden.pl

    # start your Catalyst dev server
    > cd MyApp
    > perl script/myapp_server.pl

    # enjoy the fruits at http://localhost:3000/rdgc

Feedback, comments, patches, tests, docs, etc., all welcome.

Peter Karman  .  peter at peknet.com  .  http://peknet.com/

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