[Catalyst] ACL Plugin

jagdish eashwar jagdish.eashwar at gmail.com
Sat Nov 17 11:28:58 GMT 2007

I am in the process of writing a small catalyst application for
handling leave applications in my office. It is my very first catalyst
project. I have 3 roles in that application - user, section_head and
dept_head. I want to restrict the sanctioning of leave to the
section_head and the dept_head. For the purpose, I inserted the
following lines in the myleave.pm file after __PACKAGE__->setup :

#Authorization::ACL Rules
	[qw/section_head dept_head/],
It worked fine last evening, but since this morning access is being
denied to both the section_head and dept_head. After several trials, I
finally got it to work only when I specified just one role in the
deny_access_unless clause. But if I specify the roles singly in two
separate clauses, again access is denied to both the roles. What am I
doing wrong?

jagdish eashwar

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