[Catalyst] Re: Encoding problem - ?fastcgi?
A. Pagaltzis
pagaltzis at gmx.de
Mon Oct 8 13:07:18 GMT 2007
Hi Richard,
did you ever get this sorted? Quoting in full since you seem to
have been warnocked. I have no idea what to suggest but am
curious about this issue as a matter of personal interest.
* Richard Robinson <catalyst at beulah.qualmograph.org.uk> [2007-09-20 20:15]:
> I got my all-singing all-dancing Catalyst app onto a proper
> server a few days ago. It's all going much better than I
> thought it might, a couple of friendly guinea-pigs, a fine crop
> of helpful comments, glitches getting spotted & fixed, a
> thriving TODO list ... and one problem which worries me - I
> prefer bugs to be in my code, because then I can fix them and
> end of story, but I don't think this is.
> There is a point where I send data out as a variety of other
> mime-types. This is either text, in a small range of iso-8859
> encodings (I work in utf8 internally, "of course", so this is
> encoded specifically). or binary, generated from that text as a
> temporary file by external programs and read in from that. This
> is output with, eg,
> $c->res->content_type('application/pdf');
> $c->res->body($data);
> Developing & testing this on my machine at home, this works as
> it should. On the remote server, I can view the files directly,
> and they're as they should be; I can request the data through
> :3000 from script/appname_server.pl, and again, it's correct;
> but hand it out through script/appname_fastcgi.pl +
> mod_fastcgi/apache and it's broken; each single byte with the
> high bit set is replaced by a "0xC3 0xsomethingelse" pair -
> it's been recoded into utf8, with values that assume it was
> Latin 1 to start with (regardless of anything I put in the
> Content-Type). Workaround is to replace the code above with a
> redirect to the temporary file, which then goes out through
> Static::Simple and arrives uncorrupted.
> The data leaves my code with the utf8 flag unset, and is
> handled properly by C::P::Unicode. So I think it must be in the
> fastcgi conversation ? Has anybody else seen this, or have any
> ideas ? I can't see any changes in C::E::FastCGI.pm that offer
> any Clue, and I'm really not sure where to go next.
> System at home, where it doesn't happen, is Apache/2.0.54 with
> Catalyst modules from, I think, last January or thereabout (the
> new Debian stable caught me by suprise, bringing the home box
> up to date is going to be a big job & I have other things I'd
> rather be doing). Remote system, where it does happen, is
> Apache/2.2.3 with cpan upgrade a few days ago. mod_fastcgi is
> the same on both (2.4.2)
Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>
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