[Catalyst] Catalyst::Model::Adaptor - because models shouldn't
*do* anything
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 9 16:29:14 GMT 2007
--- Jonathan Rockway <jon at jrock.us> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been noticing that more and more people seem to
> be writing Catalyst
> models that do things that other modules on CPAN
> don't. This is not
> good. Instead of writing a reusable module, people
> are tying their
> logic to Catalyst, which is bad for everyone. When
> you tie your Model
> to Catalyst, you're stuck with Catalyst. To test
> it, you have to mock
> Catalyst. To use it outside of Catalyst, ... you
> can't. It just makes
> everything painful, and for absolutely no reason.
> Hopefully you see the problem.
> What you should do instead is write a class that
> does your Model stuff
> without referring to Catalyst. Once that's written
> and tested, you just
> need a few lines of code to glue your class to
> Catalyst. Now your logic
> is available inside AND outside of Catalyst.
> If you are looking for something on CPAN that does
> this, look at
> DBIx::Class and Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema.
> You'll notice that
> C::M::D::Schema doesn't do anything logic-related.
> It's 100% glue to
> make using your DBIC schema from Catalyst easy. All
> the important stuff
> works exactly the same without Catalyst.
> To encourage people to design their models this way,
> I've released
> Catalyst-Model-Adaptor, which will do all the gluing
> for you:
> There are actually three variants, Adaptor, Factory,
> and
> Factory::PerRequest. The Adaptor variant will
> create one instance of
> your class at application startup time, and will
> return that every time
> you call $c->model. The Factory variant will create
> a fresh instance of
> your class every time you call $c->model (and you
> have an opportunity to
> pass data about the request to your model, although
> you should avoid
> this if possible). Finally, the Factory::PerRequest
> variant will return
> a new instance of your class for each request.
> If none of these patterns meet your needs, just
> write the Catalyst model
> part yourself. These modules are only about 30
> lines of code combined,
> so nothing complicated is going on. They just make
> it really easy to
> glue plain classes to Catalyst.
> Anyway, I hope this makes it easier to write clean,
> reusable code for
> use with Catalyst. Have fun!
> Regards,
> Jonathan Rockway
One thing that I've done a lot with these kinds of
adapters is use AUTOLOAD or use Moose's built in
attribute delegation to make calling the adapted
classes methods easier. Would you take a patch for
something like this and how might you envision it
working. As a plugin, for example?
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