[Catalyst] TT and UNICODE: Garbled special characters
Hartmaier Alexander
Alexander.Hartmaier at t-systems.at
Wed Sep 5 17:19:46 GMT 2007
This talk was great: http://vienna.yapceurope.org/ye2007/talk/552
Check out the slides of his talk.
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Rosin [mailto:telebody at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 3:15 PM
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] TT and UNICODE: Garbled special characters
Have you tried setting shell locale to utf8? A long time ago there
were utf8 in tt threads but I haven't had trouble myself.
However I have indeed had massive trouble trying to get a simple
question mark (a GET url) to print that I put in the stash, like you
are doing now, because tt would url-encode it.
So my recommendation is, don't give it an umlaut. :)
FYI the trouble came when I was using xemacs -nw in utf8 mode due to
the default shell of the remote session being in utf8 locale, which I
was not used to. Not that emacs is amazing at utf\d+ .
Perhaps starting a utf8 terminal session to be sure, will help. There
are so many transparent re-encodings going on this is hard to trace
outside your environment.
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