[Catalyst] "Unknown column 'me.role'" error

Dustin Suchter dsuchter at ucla.edu
Fri Sep 7 20:22:03 GMT 2007

Unfortunately I thought of that one already, and the two do match.
Here's the useful YAML and below is the useful SQL just to double
check. I believe the underlying MySQL engine is 4.1.

# cat adblue.yml | grep -v "\s*#"
name: AdBlue
        user_class: AdBlueDB::User
        user_field: username
        password_field: password
        role_class: AdBlueDB::User
        role_field: role
        role_rel: map_user_role
        user_role_user_field: user_id

[lines from my SQL file]:

    249 --
    250 -- Table structure for table `users`
    251 --
    253 CREATE TABLE `users` (
    254   `id`              int(32) unsigned              NOT NULL
auto_increment            COMMENT 'the unique ID of the users of the
AdBlue system',
    255   `email`           varchar(32) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT
NULL                     COMMENT 'email address',
    256   `username`        varchar(32) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT
NULL                     COMMENT 'client or admin username',
    257   `password`        varchar(32) collate utf8_unicode_ci
default 'passw0rd'           COMMENT 'passwords',
    258   `password_tmp`    varchar(32) collate utf8_unicode_ci
default 'passw0rd'           COMMENT 'a 1 time use temporary
password, used for initial signu
    259   `password_dirty`  tinyint(1)                    NOT NULL
default '0'               COMMENT 'if passwords are "dirty" that
means the TMP password is
    260   `creation_time`   timestamp                     NOT NULL
default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'the time this user was created',
    261   `client_id`       int(32) unsigned              NOT NULL
default '0'               COMMENT 'if this is an external client,
this is their ID number'
    262   `deleted`         tinyint(1)                    NOT NULL
default '0'               COMMENT 'the status of this user - have
they been deleted?',
    263   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
    264   FOREIGN KEY  (`client_id`) REFERENCES clients(id)
    265 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci
COMMENT='this table stores username and role informaion, not contact

    269 --
    270 -- Table structure for table `roles`
    271 --
    273 CREATE TABLE `roles` (
    274   `id`              int(32)                       NOT NULL
auto_increment            COMMENT 'this is the unique ID of this role',
    275   `role`            varchar(32) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT
NULL                     COMMENT 'this is the name of the role',
    276   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    277 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci
COMMENT='this table stores username informaion' AUTO_INCREMENT=0;

    293 --
    294 -- Table structure for table `user_roles`
    295 --
    297 CREATE TABLE `user_roles` (
    298   `user_id`         int(32) unsigned              NOT NULL
                         COMMENT 'this is the user who has this role',
    299   `role_id`         int(32)                       NOT NULL
                         COMMENT 'this is the id of the role a user
    300   FOREIGN KEY  (`user_id`) REFERENCES users(id),
    301   FOREIGN KEY  (`role_id`) REFERENCES roles(id)
    302 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci
COMMENT='this table stores the relationship of what users have roles';

Charlie Garrison wrote:
> Good evening,
> On 6/9/07 at 11:15 PM -0700, Dustin Suchter <dsuchter at ucla.edu> wrote:
>> The overall question is, what the heck is going on?!?
> What does your conf file look like (probably yaml file)? I'm guessing
> the user/roles setup doesn't match the database schema.
>> Thanks to anyone who even read this far!
> To be honest, I didn't read it all, I skipped ahead. So apologies if I
> missed something.
> Charlie

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