[Catalyst] Problem storing session data
Peter Sørensen
maspsr at sdu.dk
Tue Apr 1 09:17:25 BST 2008
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried but this does not solve my problem.
I'm a little uncertain on where to set theese values. I've done this:
_PACKAGE__->config->{session => {
storage => '/tmp/session'.$$,
cache_size => '10m',
page_size => '256k',
expires => 3600
I can see that I get a /tmp/session-xxxx file when starting. Still I also have
the default /tmp/share-xxxx-xxxxxx file so which is used?
Somehow the problem is that the session is'nt restored. If the output I save
is fairly small debug shows:
[debug] Found sessionid "c23............." in cookie
[debug] Restored session "c23............."
If output is to big the sessionid suddenly does'nt get restored. Debug shows:
[debug] Found sessionid "c23............." in cookie
but the Restore is missing.
I don't know where to look for a solution to this problem. Any hints?
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Bill Moseley [mailto:moseley at hank.org]
Sendt: 31. marts 2008 16:04
Til: The elegant MVC web framework
Emne: Re: [Catalyst] Problem storing session data
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 09:07:02AM +0200, Peter Sørensen wrote:
> use Catalyst qw/-Debug
> ConfigLoader
> Static::Simple
> Session
> Session::State::Cookie
> Session::Store::FastMmap
> FastMmap::Cache/;
I don't think that specifying C::P::FastMmap::Cache is required any more as Cache::FastMmap was updated to work with Catalyst.
> This is working when output is fairly small but if I use a bigger
> TimeFrame and generate a far bigger output table it fails.
> I have tried to increase the cache_size like:
> __PACKAGE__->config->{session => {
> cache_size => '10m',
> This changes nothing. So now my question:
I think you want to increase page_size.
One consequence of this is that you cannot store values larger
than a page in the cache at all. Attempting to store values larger
than a page size will fail (the set() function will return false).
Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
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