[Catalyst] CatalystSites.org
Marcus Ramberg
marcus at nordaaker.com
Sun Apr 6 20:47:00 BST 2008
Alexa.com's popularity rating isn't really representative for the
whole net, as they only get data from people who use the alexa
toolbar. Also, I'm not sure if most-used == best :)
On 6. april. 2008, at 19.00, Oleg Pronin wrote:
> So what about:
> It would be good to sort sites basing on alexa.com's popularity
> rating. The
> best sites will be on top ! :)
> 2008/4/6, Oleg Pronin <syber.rus at gmail.com>:
>> It would be good to sort sites basing on alexa.com's popularity
>> rating.
>> The best sites will be on top ! :)
>> 2008/4/6, Stephen Sykes <stephen at stephensykes.us>:
>>> Markus Holzer wrote:
>>>> Hi Stephen.
>>>>> Well, today I would like to announce the site launch.
>>>> The site looks nice, but I find it a little "bloatware" to talk
>>>> of 40+
>>>> sites, when it's obvious that a good part of them share the same
>>>> layout and
>>>> codebase and only differ in the content.
>>> It's just a feature that shows the total count. I didn't know there
>>> would be 20 news portal listings with similar design, it just
>>> happened. I
>>> don't think the feature should be removed just because of that.
>>> Besides, to
>>> call it "bloatware" is a bit extreme, is it not?
>>>> I hope everyone finds the site to their liking and can find the
>>>> time
>>>>> to register and post their Catalyst driven websites.
>>>> I will, as soon as I have EmPiDri in a presentable state :)
>>> Excellent. :-)
>>> [stephen]
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