[Catalyst] CatalystSites.org
Stephen Sykes
stephen at stephensykes.us
Fri Apr 11 19:55:44 BST 2008
Kieren Diment wrote:
> On 11 Apr 2008, at 20:35, Dan Dascalescu wrote:
>>>> http://www.catalystsites.org/
>>> Thanks, this looks useful, and can probably replace the sites running
>>> catalyst pages on the wiki.
>> That would be a great idea. I've been editing
>> http://catwiki.toeat.com/meta/tracpagestoport/liveapplications lately
>> and I was surprised to see only Kieren's mention of it here (and no
>> mention of http://www.catalystsites.org there).
>> 1) Stephen, feel free to grab the links from catwiki and move them to
>> catalystsites.org
>> 2) Is the wiki still the intended repository for documentation? I
>> found that scarcely any new content got added over the last few weeks.
> Oops, sorry :-º
> I think the priority for catalystsites.org should be for rss support -
> one rss feed on the root should be sufficient initially. I didn't see
> an announce to the list, so I assume that there's still no public svn
> repos, although I've noticed that *someone* has been fixing the code.
> Once rss support is done I would strongly recommend that
> catalystsites.org becomes the official site for sites running catalyst
> Here's a moderately naive rss implementation, but apparently it's one
> of the few more reliable parts of wiab:
> sub rss : Local {
> my ($self, $c)= @_;
> my $path = $c->req->args;
> my $base = Path::Class::Dir->new($c->config->{content});
> my $rss_data = $c->model('Content')->get_rss_data($base, $path);
> # this is view code which is in the controller really. It could
> # be in the model, but then we would have to mess around with
> # ACCEPT_CONTEXT or uglier.
> my $feed = XML::Feed->new('RSS');
> if (@$path) {
> my $subpage = join '/', @$path;
> $feed->title( $c->config->{name} . ' for ' . $subpage .' page
> RSS Feed' );
> }
> else {
> $feed->title( $c->config->{name} . ' RSS Feed' );
> }
> $feed->link( $c->uri_for("/content/") );
> $feed->description( $c->config->{site_descr} );
> foreach my $entry ( @$rss_data ) {
> my $feed_entry = XML::Feed::Entry->new('RSS');
> $feed_entry->title( $entry->{title} );
> $feed_entry->link( $c->uri_for("/content/" . $entry->{link}));
> $feed_entry->summary($entry->{summary});
> $feed_entry->issued( DateTime->from_epoch(epoch =>
> $entry->{issued} ) );
> $feed->add_entry($feed_entry);
> }
> $c->res->content_type('application/rss+xml');
> $c->res->body( $feed->as_xml );
> }
> _______________________________________________
> List: Catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk
> Listinfo: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
> Searchable archive:
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> Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/
That would be me. I *promise* to setup public svn repo soon, and then
you can add in RSS to the code base if you want.
Chisel - What is so odd in passing the tag id to the controller for the
"by_tag" feature?
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