[Catalyst] Catalyst and PayPal
apv at sedition.com
Mon Apr 21 19:29:18 BST 2008
On Apr 21, 2008, at 10:44 AM, Matt S Trout wrote:
> Catalyst::Model::PayPal::IPN is sat in svn -
> http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst/trunk/Catalyst-Model-
> PayPal-IPN/
> I wrote this for a project a while back but haven't had time to add
> docs
> and tests so it can be released.
> Volunteers would be much appreciated; commit bit on request.
I'm very interested in this. I've wanted to do a micro-payment based
ad server for small/medium sites/blogs for a long time and this fits
a big piece that was holding me back. I think J Shirley already set
me up in SVN. If I get any tuits, I'll try to add some POD at least
and tests if I can.
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