[Catalyst] Dispatching based on path and host/domain
Curtis Fletcher
curtis.fletcher at pharmaventures.com
Wed Apr 23 15:25:47 BST 2008
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt S Trout [mailto:dbix-class at trout.me.uk]
> Sent: 23 April 2008 14:34
> To: The elegant MVC web framework
> Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Dispatching based on path and host/domain
> :Local is a shortcut for
> :Path($controller->path_prefix.'/'.$method_name)
> Those values came straight off the attributes - you'd set the
> Domain key
> just by using :Domain('foobar.com') exactly as you did in
> your original
> example (which is where I got the key name from :)
And the light comes on because someone is finally home!
I was thinking that :Local :Path etc were shortcuts to defining an
ActionClass not attributes to the (mostly) default ActionClass. Bingo it
all makes sense now. Many thanks.
Digging around, is it a sane thing to have:
At the top of a controller if I want all of the methods to use the same
non-default ActionClass? I'm nervous about using anything that starts
with _
On a related note: While I was looking for information about setting a
default ActionClass I came across the ActionClass info in
nual/ExtendingCatalyst.pod I wish I'd found that at the start, maybe
I'll put together a patch for the Catalyst::Action and
Catalyst::Manual::Actions pod that points people back there for info
about using "match" (does that sound like a good thing to do?)
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