[Catalyst] So, what do we want in the -next- book?

Richard Siddall richard.siddall at elirion.net
Mon Apr 28 01:38:07 BST 2008

Jonathan Rockway wrote:
> Anyway, I hate to break this to you... if you want to know every detail
> of how the code works, you have to read the code.  Reading code is the
> most important skill a programmer can have, so I suggest biting the
> bullet, opening up your favorite code browser (ECB++), and perusing.

Are you sure the "principle of mediocrity" applies in this case 
Jonathan?  The fact that you've written a book on Catalyst and nobody 
else has would indicate that we don't approach programming in the same 
way you do.

People learn in different ways.  Having more ways to learn about 
Catalyst would increase its market share.


	Richard Siddall

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