[Catalyst] Translations in Catalyst
Octavian Rasnita
orasnita at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 19:47:15 GMT 2008
From: "Keith Hasely" <groupskhasely at mac.com>
> Hey All,
> We are evaluating different frameworks to use, and one big aspect of the
> project is how translations are handled, we deal with at least five
> languages on a regular basis. I am hoping to get some input on different
> template systems, and ways you all have dealt with the multilingual issues
> in Catalyst. We've been using XML XSLT translations, but people in the
> office find it challenging working with instead of an HTML template
> system.
> I've seen some modules in CPAN that help with the issue such as
> "Catalyst::Plugin::I18N" which seems to work with Template Toolkit, and
> Pedal. There seems to be some concern over here with the overhead HTML
> template systems will take up compared to working with XML XSLT
> translations. I've also noticed the "Catalyst::View::XSLT" class which
> means we wouldn't need to come up with a new system to get our content
> translated before we publish.
I use Catalyst::Plugin::I18N and it works fine.
It is very simple to use, and I just need to use something like the text
below for translating a certain string:
[% l("String to translate") %]
where l() is a Template-Toolkit macro:
[% MACRO l(text, args) BLOCK;c.localize(text, args);END -%]
Or you can do the translations in the program directly using:
my $translated = $c->localize("String to translate");
And the strings to translate can be kept in Gettext type of text files or in
separate perl modules that define a hash with the string translations...
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