[Catalyst] [Announce] Catalyst-Runtime 5.8000_04 shipped to CPAN

Guillermo Roditi groditi at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 16:45:59 GMT 2008

> Catalyst::Plugin::HashedCookies calls Catalyst::Request->make_accessor,
> which in some ways is quite broken (as you're re-opening the package from
> outside), but it isn't actually very hard to fix/support..

Yeah, that's totally broken and I don't even know if we want to support this
kind of behavior. mst suggested to "just die()" and I'm with him on this
one. While I agree that just letting the code puke all over itself is
ENOGOOD I think an explicit exception is not unreasonable.

-- =

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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