[Catalyst] Redirects not working under Catalyst with Debian
server in IE
J. Shirley
jshirley at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 17:21:33 GMT 2008
On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Giancarlo Corcuera
<giancarlo at capybara-software.com> wrote:
> J. Shirley wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Giancarlo Corcuera
>> <giancarlo at capybara-software.com> wrote:
>>> Sorry, if you referred to this...
>>> Here is my login method:
>>> sub login :Chained('lang') :PathPart('sign_in') :Args(0) :Form {
>>> my ($self, $c) = @_;
>>> my $url_language = $c->stash->{'language'};
>>> my $lang_id = $c->stash->{'language_id'};
>>> my $form_data = load_tags($c,'fe_login_form', $lang_id);
>>> $c->stash->{'page_title'} = $form_data->{'form_title'};
>>> my $form = $self->formbuilder->new(
>>> {
>>> 'source' => $c->config->{'home'}.'/root/forms/login/login.fb',
>>> 'title' => $form_data->{'form_title'},
>>> 'submit' => $form_data->{'sign_in'},
>>> 'header' => 0
>>> } );
>>> $form->field(
>>> 'name' => 'username',
>>> 'label' => $form_data->{'username'}
>>> );
>>> $form->field(
>>> 'name' => 'password',
>>> 'label' => $form_data->{'password'}
>>> );
>>> $form->field(
>>> 'name' => 'qr_submit',
>>> 'type' => 'hidden'
>>> );
>>> if ( $form->submitted && $form->validate ) {
>>> my $qr_submit = $form->field('qr_submit') || 0;
>>> if ( $c->login( $form->field('username'),
>>> $form->field('password') ) ) {
>>> $c->session->{'user_id'} = $c->user->user_id;
>>> $c->session->{'is_client'} = $c->user->is_client;
>>> if ( $c->user->is_client eq 'Y' ) {
>>> $c->session->{'user_cty'} =
>>> $c->user->b_customer_id->
>>> b_country_id->country_code;
>>> $c->forward('set_currency_format',[$c->session->{'user_cty'}]);
>>> $url_language =
>>> $c->user->b_customer_id->b_country_id
>>> ->language_iso;
>>> }
>>> else {
>>> $c->session->{'user_cty'} = 'US';
>>> $c->forward('set_currency_format', ['US']);
>>> };
>>> $c->forward('user_roles', [$c->user->user_id]);
>>> $c->forward('lang_session',[]);
>>> }
>>> else {
>>> if ( $qr_submit == 1 ) {
>>> $c->flash->{'login_username'} =
>>> $form->field('username');
>>> $c->flash->{'login_qr'} = 1;
>>> $c->flash->{'login_error'} = $form_data->{'error_message'};
>>> $c->session->{'rq'} = undef;
>>> _*
>>> $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/$url_language/quotes/edit"));
>>> $c->detach();*_
>>> };
>>> $c->flash->{'error'} = $form_data->{'error_message'};
>>> _*
>>> $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/$url_language/sign_in"));
>>> $c->detach();*_
>>> };
>>> if ( $qr_submit == 1 ) {
>>> $c->session->{'rq'} = undef;
>>> _*
>>> $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/$url_language/quotes/edit"));
>>> $c->detach();*_
>>> };
>>> if ( $c->user->is_client eq 'N' ) {
>>> _* $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('/administrator'));
>>> $c->detach();*_
>>> }
>>> else {
>>> $c->session->{'rq'} = undef;
>>> _* $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/$url_language"));
>>> $c->detach();*_
>>> };
>>> };
>>> $c->stash->{'path'} = $c->request->{'path'};
>>> $c->stash->{'template'} = 'login.tt2';
>>> };
>>> after some operations and/or validations (which are working perfectly)
>>> none
>>> of the redirects works in IE but it does on Firefox.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Giancarlo
>>> J. Shirley wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 8:06 AM, Giancarlo Corcuera
>>>> <giancarlo at capybara-software.com> wrote:
>>>>> I made an application that works fine in the Debian server with
>>>>> catalyst.
>>>>> The problem comes when I use any redirect inside a controller module.
>>>>> For example:
>>>>> When I sign in the application redirects me to the appropiate page
>>>>> according
>>>>> to the user type but in IE it doesn't redirect and showed an error page
>>>>> that
>>>>> states "IE can't show the desired page". So after I press back and
>>>>> ctrl+F5 I
>>>>> can see that the session is already created so the user is now logged
>>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>> system.
>>>>> Any advice will be appreciated,
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Giancarlo Corcuera
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> Please paste in the controller code that is relevant.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Jay
>> (Thank you for bottom posting after this :))
>> In the Catalyst output debug messages, it should say "Redirecting to
>> [URL]" when the redirect happens. Make sure that the URL is specified
>> in that message.
>> The redirect code itself looks legitimate, but I'm not sure if the 302
>> status code (which is the default on $c->res->redirect) is what you
>> want. Try setting it to 303 (See
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes for more
>> details) and try again. The syntax for this is simply doing:
>> $c->res->redirect( $uri, 303 ); By default Catalyst uses 302.
>> The other thing to try is to verify that the Response headers are
>> being sent out the way that you expect them to. Try installing
>> Wireshark (http://www.wireshark.org/) and inspect the HTTP headers
>> between requests in Firefox and IE; compare any differences.
>> Hope this helps,
>> -J
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> One more thing that I find unusual:
> Ubuntu server with catalyst: I don't have that problem in any browser (I've
> triedd on firefox, IE, chrome, safari and opera)
> Debian server with catalyst: everyone failed but Firefox.
> So maybe could be some stuff in my server but I'm not sure, that's why I'm
> asking for any advice or known issue in this topic.
> Thanks for your quick responses,
> Giancarlo
Ah, ok, in that case I'm guessing you are running a rather old version
of Catalyst::Runtime -- try upgrading Catalyst from CPAN:
$ cpan Catalyst::Runtime
That will update, and should fix your issue.
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