[Catalyst] $c->user->some_relationship always retrives user
id from the db
Moritz Onken
onken at houseofdesign.de
Sat Feb 16 17:52:06 GMT 2008
Thanks, nice work. Works perfectly.
Am 16.02.2008 um 18:37 schrieb Jay K:
> Hi There,
> I suppose now is as good a time as any - The
> Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class module currently on CPAN
> has the 'avoid the db hit' code is in it. It is not enabled by
> default, but add 'use_userdata_from_session => 1' to your config and
> it will not reload from the database unless you specifically request
> it. See the docs:
> http://xrl.us/bgbn9
> (aka http://search.cpan.org/~jayk/Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class-0.104/lib/Catalyst/Authentication/Store/DBIx/Class.pm#CONFIGURATION
> )
> as there are some things you should know about operating in that mode.
> Jay
> On Feb 16, 2008, at 8:20 AM, Moritz Onken wrote:
>> If someone tells me where to put that kind of code Matt suggested
>> I'll write a patch and some (1? :-) ) tests.
>> Am 15.02.2008 um 02:16 schrieb Guillermo Roditi:
>>>> Which means the entire thing would be pointless. What you want to
>>>> do
>>>> really is
>>>> $class->new({ %saved_stuff, -result_source => $schema-
>>>> >source($class) });
>>>> $new_obj->in_storage(1);
>>>> then it'll work "as if" you re-fetched the object (%saved_stuff
>>>> being the
>>>> return of $obj->get_columns). Making stuff work with only the PK
>>>> stashed
>>>> in the session is left as an exercise to the reader, but would
>>>> probably
>>>> be best done using Data::Thunk and Data::Swap.
>>> /me confoos. Why not just use the shiny new freeze / thaw hooks?
>>> Wouldn't it make sense to store a frozen version of the User row /
>>> object in the session and then thaw it upon request? This seems like
>>> it would be a really natural way to cache this information. Ideally,
>>> the thawing would be a lazy operation as well i think.
>>> I just bring this up because the code you just sent would not work
>>> when one is using things like DigestColumns or EncodedColumn, which
>>> are most commonly seen in User-type objects
>>> --Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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> "May we not return to those scoundrels of old, the illustrious
> founders of superstition and fanaticism, who first took the knife from
> the altar to make victims of those who refused to be their disciples."
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