[Catalyst] Issue with C::A::Store::LDAP and
Richardson, Matthew
Matthew_Richardson at mentor.com
Wed Feb 27 18:42:48 GMT 2008
I am attempting to authenticate against the LDAP server used for our
Unix authentication environment. A use entry looks like:
dn: uid=uname,ou=People,dc=company,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
uid: uname
sn: LastName
givenName: FirstName
cn: uname
userPassword: {crypt}sFBVlCCFXromo
loginShell: /bin/csh
uidNumber: 7904
gidNumber: 6062
homeDirectory: /user/uname
gecos: FirstName LastName
mail: email at email.com
displayName: LastName, FirstName
telephoneNumber: 555
I have configure authentication using:
use Catalyst qw/-Debug ConfigLoader Static::Simple
'authentication' => {
default_realm => "ldap",
realms => {
ldap => {
credential => {
class => "Password",
password_field => "userPassword",
password_type => "crypted",
store => {
class => "LDAP",
binddn =>
bindpw => "proxy",
ldap_server => "my.host.name",
ldap_server_options => { timeout => 30 },
start_tls => 0,
use_roles => 0,
user_basedn => "ou=People,dc=company,dc=com",
user_field => "uid",
user_filter =>
user_scope => "one",
user_search_options => { attrs => ['*'] },
Reusing some of the code from "The Book" I have implemented a login
sub login : Global Form {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my $form = $self->formbuilder;
return unless $form->submitted && $form->validate;
if ($c->authenticate({username => $form->field('username'),
password => $form->field('password')})){
$c->flash->{message} = "Logged in successfully.";
else {
$c->stash->{error} = "Login failed.";
I have tested the C::A::Store::LDAP ability to talk to the server by
first using a bogus hostname (which generated an error) and putting a
bogus password in for my proxy account (which generated an error) so I
know that the issue is with the final phase of testing the user's
password hash. From the debug output of the server I see this happen
when trying to authenticate:
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::validate] (debug1) password: validation passed
[CGI::FormBuilder::validate] (debug1) validation done, ok = 1 (should be
[CGI::FormBuilder::field] (debug2) called $form->field(username)
[CGI::FormBuilder::field] (debug2) searching fields for 'username'
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::value] (debug2) username: called
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::value] (debug2) username: sticky && ! force
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::cgi_value] (debug2) username: called
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::cgi_value] (debug2) username: cgi value =
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::value] (debug1) username: returning value
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::inflate_value] (debug2) username: called
[CGI::FormBuilder::field] (debug2) called $form->field(password)
[CGI::FormBuilder::field] (debug2) searching fields for 'password'
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::value] (debug2) password: called
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::value] (debug2) password: sticky && ! force
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::cgi_value] (debug2) password: called
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::cgi_value] (debug2) password: cgi value =
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::value] (debug1) password: returning value
[CGI::FormBuilder::Field::inflate_value] (debug2) password: called
Use of uninitialized value in crypt at
rd.pm line 69.
Use of uninitialized value in crypt at
rd.pm line 69.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
rd.pm line 69.
[info] *** Request 1 (0.001/s) [12951] [Wed Feb 27 10:37:32 2008] ***
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter | Value
| _submit | Login
| _submitted_login | 1
| password | sdfd
| username | matthewr
At this point the bogus password is being verified and I am
authenticated and redirected to /, which is not correct. Can anyone see
what I am doing wrong?
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