[Catalyst] LDAP

Gavin Henry ghenry at perl.me.uk
Thu Jan 24 20:59:30 GMT 2008

<quote who="Carl Johnstone">
> Hi,
> I've been playing around with the LDAP stuff in Catalyst, we have a need
> to
> share user data externally for authentication reasons and currently
> believe
> LDAP is a good solution for this.

Externally in your organisation?

> To this end I've got C:P:Auth:Store:LDAP correctly authenticating users
> against a LDAP database. I've also got C:Model:LDAP pulling users out of
> the
> DB so that we can display names next to user-submitted content.
> Now to get to this stage I've got two lots of configuration, and
> effectively
> two chunks of code doing very similar jobs. I now need to add a custom
> method, and can't see anyway outside of doing it twice.

For configuration, why don't you have one set and reference it from both
*::LDAP ??

Or I am being dumb here?

> Next up I want to link my DBIC schema to the LDAP stuff so I can
> automatically inflate users, however on this project we have some chunks
> of
> code that work outside Catalyst using the same schema, so I can't link
> them
> to the Catalyst Model. Ideally what I need here is some kind of generic
> layer, an a thinner Catalyst Model which uses it.

You're pulling LDAP users into your RDBMS? Why not keep them there? If you
are using PostgreSQL you can use dblink-ldap as a function. Might be

> So anybody else got any experiences to share here? Is there some easy way
> to
> achieve what I want that I've missed? Anybody got code to share?
> Thanks
> Carl
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