[Catalyst] installing Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::LDAP
Jay K
jayk at ion0.com
Thu Jan 24 23:09:51 GMT 2008
Hi all,
I can shed some light here.
As of Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication version 0.10003 - the default
naming for stores and credentials is
The Store and Credential modules that have been updated to work with
realms are not loaded as Catalyst Plugins, and the fact that the
namespace indicated plugin was confusing people. As of 0.10003 - the
default action is to look for modules using the correct namespace, and
if not found, fall back to the old namespace. That is all the debug
message is saying, that it fell back to the old-style of naming. It's
not an error and will not break anything.
The debug message is there in case you are intending to load a
Catalyst::Authentication::XYZ module and your app is not finding it...
which could cause problems if an older module is being found and
loaded instead.
If the debug message really bothers you, you can specify the full
module name (prefixed with +) instead of just 'Password' or
Hope that clears things up,
On Jan 24, 2008, at 1:49 PM, Andrew Peebles wrote:
> rahed wrote:
>> On 1/24/08, Peter Karman <peter at peknet.com> wrote:
>>> you did not miss anything. There are tests for this timeout issue
>>> in svn already but I am
>>> waiting on some other issues before making a new release
>>> of ::Store::LDAP.
>>> The tests try and access openldap.org and timeout if they can't
>>> reach it. So you can
>>> safely ignore those test failures for now.
>> Thank you, I will gladly be ignorant.
> What's this about?
> [warn] Store class "Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP" not
> found, trying deprecated ::Plugin:: style naming.
> This is a clean install of Cat (yesterday) ...
> perl -MCPAN -e 'install Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP'
> CPAN: Storable loaded ok
> Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
> Database was generated on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 23:30:57 GMT
> Warning: Cannot install Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP, don't
> know what it is.
> Try the command
> ??
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