[Catalyst] How to return a 401 from Catalyst

Kieren Diment diment at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 08:18:48 GMT 2008

On 27 Jan 2008, at 20:59, Ian Docherty wrote:

>> p.s. I note that there is nothing in Test::WWW (that I can find)  
>> that tests return status's such as 200, 401 etc.

 From perldoc Test::WWW::Mechanize:

Test::WWW::Mechanize is a subclass of WWW::Mechanize that incorporates
        features for web application testing.

 From perldoc WWW::Mechanize:

   $mech−>response() / $mech−>res()

        Return the current response as an HTTP::Response object.

from perldoc HTTP::Response:

        $r−>header( $field )
        $r−>header( $field => $value )
            This is used to get/set header values and it is inherited  
            "HTTP::Headers" via "HTTP::Message".  See HTTP::Headers  
for details
            and other similar methods that can be used to access the  

from HTTP::Headers

.... never mind, you get the idea ...


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