[Catalyst] Submitting Multiple Arrays

Andreas Marienborg omega at palle.net
Thu Jan 31 06:29:51 GMT 2008


might be applying to you, and if not, Ordered might help you.

- andreas

On 31. jan.. 2008, at 02.35, Jay Varner wrote:

> In short, I'm new to Catalyst and a near intermediate Perl programmer.
> I've converted (and vastly improved) my app from CGI::Application to
> Catalyst within an amount of time that made me feel like I wasted
> those months I spent prior to using Catalyst. However, the past few
> days I have been struggling with this one function that I just can't
> get.
> Honestly, I feel the easiest way for me to explain is to say that this
> headache began by me trying to translate this bit of PHP code to
> Perl/Catalyst: http://www.gregphoto.net/index.php/2007/01/16/scriptaculous-sortables-with-ajax-callback/
> I'm just stuck. I've tried many things. My current/pressing attempt to
> implement this is in a newsletter app where there is a "has many"
> relationship between a Newsletter table and a table for Articles. The
> join table has 3 columns – newsletter_id, article_id and ordering. So
> I want to use that PHP and Ajax to allow a user to set the order that
> articles will appear in a given newsletter. However, some articles
> might appear in multiple newsletters. I might be going about this all
> wrong and I would love to hear any suggestion of a better way.
> For what it is worth, here is my current effort. I don't know if this
> is the closest I've gotten, but it's where I'm at right now. This is
> not actually my attempt at the the above, it's really just a scaled
> back attempt to just figure out the DBIx for it begin sent by a basic
> HTML form and not any Ajax shenanigans.
> sub reorder : Local {
>    my ($self, $c ) = @_;
> 	# This just gets the the value for the later redirect to stay on  
> the same page
> 	my $link = $c->request->params->{link};
> 	# This is from a hidden value in a loop in the template [%  
> article.id %]
> 	my @articles = $c->request->params->{article_id};
> 	# Value for the newsletter we're working on. Again, this is from a  
> hidden value
> 	my $newsletter_id = $c->request->params->{newsletter_id};
> 	# This is obviously where I start trying shit to see if I can get  
> it to work
> 	# The basic goal is to drop in the new value for ordering for each  
> unique
> 	# article_id and newsletter_id in turn
> 	foreach my $article ( @articles ) {
>            	my $newsletter  = $c->model('SASSDB::ArticleNewsletter')- 
> >search(
>                                            {
>                                            article_id => $article,
>                                            newsletter_id =>  
> $newsletter_id
>                                            }
>                                            );
>            		my @orderings = $c->request->params->{ordering};
>            			foreach my $ordering ( @orderings ) {
>                				$newsletter->update(
>                            			{
>                            			ordering => $ordering
>                            			}
>                            		);
>            			}
> 		}
> 	$c->response->redirect($c->uri_for("/admin/newsletters/ 
> picked_articles/$link"));
> }
> This reasonably gives me the following:
> DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update(): DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st
> bind_param failed: Illegal parameter number [for Statement "UPDATE
> articles_newsletters SET ordering = 1 WHERE ( ( ( article_id = ? ) OR
> ( article_id = ? ) ) AND newsletter_id = ? )" with ParamValues:
> 1='12', 0='2', 2='18'] at ../lib/SASS/Controller/Admin/Newsletters.pm
> line 200
> Line 200 is  "$newsletter->update("
> The body_parameters are:
> body_parameters  => {
>                        _submit => "Update",
>                        _submitted_edit_menu => 1,
>                        "_submitted_form_create" => 1,
>                        article_id => [12, 18],
>                        id => 1,
>                        "link" => "Test",
>                        newsletter_id => 1,
>                        ordering => [1, 2],
>                      },
> Let me know if you want to see anything else.
> Humbly placing myself on the mercy of the community,
> Jay
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