[Catalyst] Problem storing session data
Peter Sørensen
maspsr at sdu.dk
Mon Mar 31 08:07:02 BST 2008
I use session to store output between calls and have some serious problem with this. I still
fairly new to Catalyst.
I have the following defined
use Catalyst qw/-Debug
I store output from an array in one controller method like:
( I have a module which returns a ref to an array with output )
my $search = new SearchLog(
SearchInfo => $searchInfo,
SearchPath => ' some path',
TimeFrame => { timefrom => .... , $timeto => ....}
$tableout = $search->processRegex(...)
In short it takes a generated Regex and use this to extract information from the logfile.
This operation is time consuming and I want to save the output generated.
$c->session->{tableout} = $tableout;
and restore this in another controller method like:
$tableout = $c->session->{tableout};
This is working when output is fairly small but if I use a bigger TimeFrame and generate a
far bigger output table it fails.
I have tried to increase the cache_size like:
__PACKAGE__->config->{session => {
storage => '/tmp/session'.$$,
cache_size => '10m',
expires => 3600
This changes nothing. So now my question:
I this the right way to store internmediate output or should I use a different approach?
If right - does anyone know why I have this problem?
Regards and thanks
Peter Sorensen/University of Southern Denmark/mail: maspsr at sdu.dk
Med venlig hilsen
Peter Sørensen
Vid.medarb., IT-service
Tlf. 6550 2858
Fax 6550 2860
Email maspsr at sdu.dk
Web http://intern.sdu.dk/it-service/ansatte/ps-238/
Adr. Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M
Campusvej 55 * 5230 * Odense M * Tlf. 6550 1000 * www.sdu.dk
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