[Catalyst] uri_for() doesn't encode to utf8 first argument
Dmitriy S. Sinyavskiy
dreel at bk.ru
Fri May 16 22:21:58 BST 2008
Hello, J..
You write 16 мая 2008 г., 4:27:07:
JS> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 11:50 PM, Dmitriy S. Sinyavskiy <dreel at bk.ru> wrote:
>> So what about my patch and test?
>> Is it right or someone can correct it?
>> The silence is here for a week or more (
JS> Jonathan Rockway asked you to regenerate without whitespace changes.
JS> Just waiting on that from you to properly review it.
JS> -J
It strange I haven't got received letter with this...may be deleted
by antispam (
Nevertheless I've done it now:
Index: Catalyst.pm
--- Catalyst.pm (revision 7759)
+++ Catalyst.pm (working copy)
@@ -948,10 +948,12 @@
my $params =
( scalar @args && ref $args[$#args] eq 'HASH' ? pop @args : {} );
+ $path =~ s!/+!/!g; # strip extra slashes '///'
+ unshift(@args, split('/', $path));
carp "uri_for called with undef argument" if grep { ! defined $_ } @args;
s/([^$URI::uric])/$URI::Escape::escapes{$1}/go for @args;
- unshift(@args, $path);
unless (defined $path && $path =~ s!^/!!) { # in-place strip
my $namespace = $c->namespace;
dreel mailto:dreel at bk.ru
Dmitriy S. Sinyavskiy
Web-developer Perl, Catalyst, MSSQL
FGUE EZAN Telecommunication, data transfer networks and devices.
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