[Catalyst] Re: Ajax, Jemplate, forms, rest & data validation

James. L perlwle at yahoo.com
Mon May 26 18:03:38 BST 2008

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Henry Drinkwater
<henry.drinkwater[at]googlemail.com> wrote:


On the validation note, I use Data::FormValidator in
conjunction with
a DBIx::Class ResultSet - still in the model, in that
it is outside of
the Catalyst scope. Easier to unit test this stuff,
too, since you
don't have to muck with a controller. Lots of other
folk use
FormBuilder or FormFu, so it is really just picking
what makes the
most sense to you.

Good luck,


i am using D::F in controller only then rely on the
database(sometimes little bit on model) to die on
unexpected data. 

I am interested in how you managed to use
Data::FormValidator in conjunction with a DBIx::Class
ResultSet.. do you still do form validation in
controller? how do you map the error from model to




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