[Catalyst] GENTOO ebuilds: important change in keywords

Michele Beltrame mb at cattlegrid.info
Fri Oct 31 07:40:41 GMT 2008

Hi Toby!

>> them to /etc/package.keywords. Yes, they're a lot, so (unless you're using
>> paludis instead of portage) you'll likely want to use autounmask.
> Thanks for the heads-up.. What a PITA this is :(

Unfortunately it is, especially since I wasn't able to make autounmask
work properly. However, it's really just a matter of doing something

ls -1 /usr/portage/local/layman/perl-experimental/dev-perl/ | awk '{ print "dev-perl/" $1 " ~amd64"}' >>/etc/portage/package.keywords

(replacing amd64 with x86 if that's the case) in order to unmask all the
packages in the overlay.

This "standardisation" will hopefully lead to a quicker inclusion of
many of the ebuilds in mainstream portage (maybe ;-)).


Michele Beltrame
ICQ 76660101 - MSN mb at italpro.net

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